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A whale of a time

I hate Winter, well I dislike it greatly and would have to say that I prefer the warmer months - however one thing I do look forward to each Winter is the arrival of the majestic humpback whales that cruise up the East coast of Australia.

I'm fortunate enough to live a 5 minute drive to the nearest beach and one of my favourite things to do (at any time of the year)is sit by the ocean looking out across the sea. Even if the whales are being elusive I find looking out to the horizon very calming, I think it's the sense of space that I enjoy so much. The perfect escape from the suburbs... the rat race, houses, traffic, rubbish and stress - all of that seems to melt away.

I grew up in the country, a town called Tamworth and then Moore Creek, with horses and no houses in sight. The beauty of being amoungst nature and not around people is something I yearn for now. While I would never return and live so far inland I do dream of one day moving to a property with enough land around me so that I don't have neighbours a couple of meters away. Anyhow at least I have the ocean to get my retreat away from it all.

When I'm sitting near the ocean I may just stay in my car with the radio blasting tunes, other times I like the quiet and to feel the salt breeze on my face. If I'm lucky I will see some whales and feel so blessed, it makes me think the world is beautiful after all and how lucky we are to be enjoying seeing such wonderful creatures.

If you are really lucky they will put on a show and play and breach out of the water, it gives me goosebumps to say the least. But sometimes I also get sad, sad to imagine how anyone could think about harming such amazing animals... I used to think of joining Sea Shepard or Greenpeace out on the ocean to help fight for them to stay safe, however family commitments don't permit such a lifestyle. Instead I dream about them and wish them a safe migration journey.

A world without whales would be like a world without art... yuk.


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