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I'm sorry Cecil...

I can’t stop thinking about beautiful Cecil the lion and how he did not deserve to die at the hands of that nasty trophy hunter. Cecil and all the other innocent animals that are killed in the name of ‘sport’ and fun – I just want to say I’m so sorry and not all of us humans are so evil! The disturbing individuals who do this killing for no reason must have no empathy whatsoever. I just can’t image how anyone could want to do this?

I've read a few threads on face book about Cecils killing and unfortunately there were still quite a few people who do defend hunting. Also people wondering why everyone was getting so upset over the death of a lion, while there are millions of people starving etc… What a load of crap I believe you can care about more than one issue at a time! I do care about people but to be really honest - give me an animal to protect over a human any day! Animals don’t have a voice and we humans are the ones who have caused so many problems including wiping out species to distinction. Before you wonder if I’m a vegetarian and eat meat, let me explain. I used to be predominately vegetarian but found it quite hard, especially in a family of chefs cooking delicious meals. So for the most part of my adult life I would say I’m a ‘white-meat-arian’ as I do not eat any red meat - only free range chicken and some seafood including fish. I made a conscious decision that I did not want to feel guilty and wanted to stop eating most animals. I care about their welfare and how they get to the slaughter house to justify eating them from a packet off supermarket shelves. So if I was stranded on an island – and had to catch and kill food then ethically I can say yes I could kill a chicken, not that I would like it, but I could do it if I had to. I have also been fishing many a time and enjoy cooking up tasty fish for dinner, like Kurt Cobain sung “it’s ok to eat fish… cause they don’t have any feelings…” ?

I actually have a good friend who grows their own organic meat including sheep, cows and pigs. These animals lead a good life on this wonderful little farm and while I couldn’t personally do the killing I do respect the set up they have. The death is quick the animals haven’t been abused; they know how to butcher their meat and don't waste any of the animal.

Then sometimes I seem to overthink everything, it's all too hard and maybe I’m a hypocrite...? I mean there have been a slip ups over the years and I own a leather handbag and a pair of boots, so where do you draw a line?? Well one thing I do know is that I would never hurt any animal (most spiders/various insects you do not count sorry) I would actually find it easier to shoot one of these ‘hunters’ in the head than the any animals they kill… yep.

Anyhow I'm hoping that Cecil did not die in vain and perhaps all of this media attention has brought the disgusting practice of game hunting into light, so it can be stopped. I don’t believe the carcasses go to feed villages, some say this happens but most likely the killing is only done for the rich assholes to take disgusting photos with their catch and bring home a head to hang in their trophy room. Call me a bleeding heart, lefty, hippie what ever you like I don't care - animals don't have a voice and I am proud to be someone who stands up for animal rights.

Unfortunately while I’m not working we have very limited money so while I'm not donating right now I have done in the past - to animal charities such as RSPCA, Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund. I hope to again in the future and if you can afford it then go on.. you feel so good for doing it and the animals will thank you!! I was also a member of WIRES (wildlife information rescue service) which helps save Australian native animals. I rescued and rehabilitated quite a few creatures and returned them back to their own habitat. Along with native animals I have rescued 4 dogs over the years and will continue to try and educate people about animal welfare.

So there you have it … I’m not sorry if you think I’m weird for caring more for animals more than humans. But if given the chance I would much prefer to go back live in the bush with wild life and animals than have to deal with (most) people… any day!

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